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Health Benefits of Gaming

Believe it or not, there are plenty of health benefits from gaming. It doesn't justify 10 hours of screen time a day, but it does mean that gaming in moderation can actually be beneficial. So, let's step into the health benefits of gaming. It can build so much relationship and social talk to parents and friends it really good not only for them but for the child you care. They even:

  • Improve coordination

  • Improve problem-solving skills

  • Enhance memory

  • Improve attention and concentration

  • Are a great source of learning

  • Improve the brain's speed

  • Enhance multitasking skills

  • Improve social skills

Video games increase hand-eye coordination.

Whether or not you are playing on console, PC, or mobile, gaming requires hand-eye coordination. However, the better you are at video games, the faster you need to push buttons. 

Humans can actually increase their reaction time with practice. One of the best ways to practice is in fact, video games.


Video games (specifically shooters), cause players to become more compassionate.

People who are mentally stable know killing is wrong. However, new studies show (link at bottom) that actually pulling the trigger in video games can make the player more morally aware of what they are doing in the real world.


Video games (again, action and shooter games) help your eyesight.

While playing fast paced games like shooters and adventure games, your eyesight actually gets better. Specifically, it improves contrast sensitivity function, which helps you see at night. Sure, sitting there for 10 hours staring at the screen can cause some serious eye strain, but we don't do that. Again, anything in excess is harmful.


Video games can help improve navigational skills.

Games with any type of map require navigation. The most basic require use of a GPS system, a skill in our everyday lives. Others require full navigation know-how using a compass and a paper map. This can greatly help kids if they ever get lost, and have no service on their phones (or just used all their data looking at memes on social media).


Video games make kids more socially healthy.

Video games now days involve lots of social interactions. 

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